My Little Pony Fan Labor Wiki
Infobox person
[edit] [purge] Template-info Template documentation
This template is used to create a person infobox.
Type {{infobox person|<...>}} somewhere, with parameters as shown below.
{{infobox person
| name               = Name of the person [defaults to pagename]
| image              = An image of the person, their original character, or an image representing the person
| caption            = A caption describing the image
| aliases            = Other names the person may go by online, and/or their real name if they have made it public
| active             = How long they have been active since
| occupation         = Displays as "Known as:"
| equestriadaily     = A URL to where the person's story is featured, ideal for if they have no other social links
| fimfiction         = The URL of their FIMFiction profile
| ponyfictionarchive = URL of profile
| deviantart         = DeviantART profile URL
| fanfictionnet      = profile URL
| googledocs         = A folder the person has shared publicly on Google Docs/Drive with their published stories
| newgrounds         = Newgrounds profile URL
| youtube            = YouTube profile/channel URL
| tumblr             = Tumblr blog URL
| soundcloud         = Soundcloud profile URL
| facebook           = Facebook fan page URL
| twitter            = Twitter profile URL
| myspace            = MySpace profile URL
| bandcamp           = Bandcamp profile URL
| steam              = Steam Community profile URL
| patreon            = Profile on Patreon
Sample input
{{Infobox person
| name       = EileMonty
| image      = COM Eilemont by SlightInsanity.png
| caption    = EileMonty's OC by SlightInsanity
| aliases    = EileMontyVA<br />Eileen Montgomery
| active     = ?
| occupation = Musician<br />Voice Actress
| equestriadaily     = A URL to where the person's story is featured, ideal for if they have no other social links
| fimfiction         = The URL of their FimFiction profile
| ponyfictionarchive = URL of profile
| deviantart         =
| fanfictionnet      = profile URL
| googledocs         = A folder the person has shared publicly on Google Docs/Drive with their published stories
| newgrounds         = Newgrounds profile URL
| youtube            =
| tumblr             =
| soundcloud         =
| facebook           =
| twitter            =
| myspace            = Myspace Profile URL
| bandcamp           =
| steam              = Steam Community profile URL
| patreon            =

Results in... (Sites EileMonty does not have a profile on are filled in with example or placeholder URLs to show their icon)

COM Eilemont by SlightInsanity
EileMonty's OC by SlightInsanity
Other names EileMontyVA
Eileen Montgomery
Active since ?
Known as Musician
Voice Actress

|FIMFiction logo square| |Pony Fiction Archive logo square| |DeviantArt logo square| |Fanfictionnet logo square| |Newgrounds logo| |Youtube logo| |Tumblr logo| |Soundcloud logo| |Facebook logo| |Twitter logo| |Myspace logo| |Bandcamp logo| |Steam logo| |Patreon logo|

All parameters are optional.
